Oncology Stream

Novel Approaches and Challenges in Advancing Molecules into the Clinic

The field of antibody and protein therapeutics has progressed from monoclonals to encompass bispecifics, multispecifics, ADCs, immunocytokines, prodrugs and radio-immunotherapies. As the modality types expand, the need for novel targets and new mechanisms of action has become increasingly important, in order to overcome existing limitations of approved molecules, expand the therapeutic window, and improve efficacy and patient response. PEGS Boston’s Oncology stream aims to bring together the latest molecules in clinical development to highlight the lessons learned from the clinic, spotlight emerging and revitalized targets, and showcase inventive approaches for improving the therapeutic index. Together, the three conferences in this stream will present a comprehensive look at strategies driving toward clinical success.


Conferences Include:

May 13-14

Antibodies for Cancer Therapy

May 14-15

Emerging Targets for Oncology and Beyond

May 16-17

Driving Clinical Success in Antibody Drug Conjugates

Keynote Speakers Include:

From the Foundation to the Next Generation of Antibody-Based Therapies: What’s Next?
Daniel ChenDaniel Chen, MD, PhD, Founder, Engenuity Life Sciences

Targeting Myeloid Cells in the Tumor
Tatiana NovobrantsevaTatiana Novobrantseva, PhD, Co-Founder & CSO, Verseau Therapeutics

Current and Next-Generation ADCs: Successes and Failures
Alain BeckAlain Beck, PhD, Senior Director, Biologics CMC and Developability, Pierre Fabre, France

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Premier Sponsors

FairJourneyBiologics GenScript-CRO Integral-Molecular_NEW  OmniAbUnchainedLabs