Another record-setting year for PEGS Boston!

Over 2,100 participants from over 30 countries convened in Boston for science, collaboration and comradery.

The weeklong information-packed event featured experts from pharma, academia, and government sharing information, case studies, and best practices covering a vast area of biologic drug development and provided in-depth coverage of protein and antibody engineering, immunotherapy oncology, expression, analytical, immunogenicity, and therapeutics.

Highlights included compelling presentations by Plenary Keynote speakers Dr. Paul Carter, Senior Director and Staff Scientist of Antibody Engineering at Genentech and Dr. Deborah Law, CSO of Jounce Therapeutics. The vast exhibit hall was packed with more than 100 exhibiting companies showcasing the latest technologies and services, and featured more than 220 scientific posters on display. New Training Seminars offered an introduction and exploration of specific topics and were well received by high energy attendees. Discussions and debate ignited around the roundtable groups providing insight and perspective from many different viewpoints, and abundant networking with biopharmaceutical researchers and industry representatives.

Thank you to all of our speakers, sponsors, and exhibitors for your support and contributions, and to all the delegates for your participation. The success of this event is largely due to the dedicated participants who return with us year after year. Save the date to join us again next year May 1-5, 2017 at the Seaport World Trade Center in Boston.

We have already received numerous comments praising the work that was done at the event, but we would still like to hear from you on more specific suggestions to help us deliver new ideas, and develop the agenda and schedule for 2017. If you would like to share your feedback, or give input for next year’s event, please contact Christina Lingham at

PEGS Boston 2016 Event Features:

  • Networking with 2,100+ attendees from over 30 countries
  • Dynamic presentations showcasing unpublished data and case studies from industry leaders
  • Interactive roundtable discussions
  • Over 220 scientific posters on display
  • The mobile app allowed for customized schedules
  • Over 100 companies in the exhibit hall showcasing the latest technologies and services

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Premier Sponsors

FairJourneyBiologics GenScript-CRO Integral-Molecular_NEW  OmniAbUnchainedLabs